Jom Klik

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Turn all the LIGHTS on!!

Time to turn all the lights on!!"Sharon Salzberg-It doesnt matter how long we may have been stuck in a sense of our limitations. If we go into a darkened room and turn on the light, it doesn't matter if the room has been dark for a day, a week or ten thousand years - we turn on the light and it is illuminated. Once we control our capacity for love&happiness, the light has been turned on"

Its true.. ya its true.. how long we want to stay i
n a dark. U has many choices. But why you choose to stay in Dark? You don't have a choice or the DARK make you happy

DARK make u happy. Are you sure??

“Yup, I think I am sure”

Are sure??


Maybe?? Why don’t you think about yourself and turn the light on now!! Take a risk and take a challenge. Sometime your instinct is totally wrong and makes you erroneous. So take deep breath, give yourself time to think. Then think the right thing to do.

Give yourself your own space. Its ok to think about others but sometime you need to think about your own good.


Time to think about yourself !!!

Lupekn PK psl org lain yang tak layak difikirkan. They didnt deserved!!

Sekarang aku tak nak jadi orang yang ade ati perut dah. WHY ??? "boleh ke nak jadi orang takde hati perut,, susah kot.."

sebab bukan semo orang layak dihargai, disayangi, disukai, dicintai & sebagainyer

Maybe setengah2 daripada kite akan kate dunia ni tak adil, kenapa orang lain boleh bahagia & kite tak. SALAH SALAH SALAH!!! kite tak bahagia sebab kite yang pilih untuk tak bahagia. Dulu aku selalu fikir macam tu. DUNIA ni "NOT FAIR" arghhhhhhhhh.

Aku salah cakap ke??

CYCLE of life...Aku tak rase aku salah. So jom kite same pk. Orang yang bahagia tak selame nye bahagia, mesti ade konflik & sebagainye. Cume bezenye dorang tahu how to handle it in a correct way without hurting anyone.

TAPI... why why why.. susah nyer aku nak handle!! tak pandai tul bab2 ni..

Banyak sangat bertindak jadi salah. Kalau tak bertindak apa2 salah jugak. Banyak bercakap pun salah. Kalau senyap salah jugak.

Someone did said to me. I can accept if she/he tell me in a correct way. Why dont you tell me nicely?? Awak kate saye tak boleh faham?? saya faham la.. tapi huhhhhh i tell myself repeatedly "i dont wanna think about it anymore".. but how could I don’t think about you if…….

AKU mungkin kurang tahu bab2 nak handle konflik2 ni tapi sekurang2 nye aku cube tak sakitkan hati korang dan hargai korang. Jadi sekurang2nya aku masih ade ati & perasaan. Tapi lepas macam2 jadi beberape bulan ni aku mule rase no point kite hargai dan pertahanan kan sesuatu yang tak perlu dipertahankan. Tapi macam mane pulak tak nak pertahankan something yang korang slalu 'think about'.. something that always in your mind.. something that u love to..

Berbalik kepade 1st point TURN THE LIGHTS ON

So lets begin the new 'think': THINK ABOUT YOURSELF.. OK .. CIAO CIAO

Dalam perjalan hidup ni ade banyak keraguan, masalah dan macam2 lagi. Dalam semua bende yang kite buat, kite pasti akan terfikir dan mungkin orang lain akan buat kite berfikir 2 kali tentang sesuatu yang kite nak lakukan. Contoh bile kite nak berbaik dengan our ex (contoh yer). 1,2 kawan ang mesti kate "it's not worth to pursue your ex back" Tapi macam mane pulak kalau the feeling's too strong to ignore?"

Susah kan? tapi..


you decide

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